Keri's Journey

Without even realizing it, I embraced a “Driven” life at a young age.

The first ATV experience I remember, helped shape who I am today.  My Dad and I were riding ATV’s on the ice.  I was on my Yamaha tri-zinger and riding it like a “raped ape”! At the ripe age of 5, I wasn’t sure how you road like a “raped ape”; but Dad referred to it often, so you can best be assured I’d do the same. I was sure I was riding like a “raped ape”; probably at a whole rate of 10 mph, when I turned too sharply and the next thing I knew I was lying face up on the ice trapped under the upside down tri-zinger. I used all my might to push the machine off of me but to no avail, it didn’t even budge. Panicking I scanned for Dad as he disappeared around the corner, my heart sank not sure what to do and then there he was; riding like a “raped ape” to help me! He manhandled the tri-zinger it seemed with one finger and his next words were asking me if I was ok.

As I shook my head yes to my hero, he said, “Get back on, let’s go have some fun, you’ll never learn if you don’t keep trying!”

Years later as Dad was teaching me how to do “cookies”, he repeated those same words as I flew off my ATV; “Get back on, let’s go have some fun, you’ll never learn if you don’t keep trying”! He was right, I was “Driven”; a force moving in a specified direction. I had enough watching boys pull these tricks off; it was my turn to shine! It was my goal to tear the entire beach up with my wheel tracks, perfecting my skills because boys were going to have to deal with this force; another experience that helped shape my life!

I now have over 30 years of riding experience playing in the dirt, snow or whatever Mother Nature brings; I thank my experiences for teaching me those life lessons! The lessons not only shaped my “just watch me” attitude on the dirt and snow but have been applied in every aspect of my life and transitioned into my career.  A career working for motorized recreational non-profits, volunteering, promoting excitement for the outdoors and working with every sector of the outdoor community imaginable.  I am a product of the outdoors with an imagination to take recreation to places it has never been before.  Whether I’m assisting off road organizations, presenting legislation, writing and rating recreational trail grants, instructing riders to be safer in the backcountry, raising funds for non-profits or promoting an athlete that rides like a “raped ape”; I’m doing it because I’m “Driven”, a force moving in a specified direction and I want to take you with me!

In the words of Jillian Michaels always remember to, “Be Awesome. Live life to the fullest. Shoot for the stars and never settle.”


What does it mean to be Driven?

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